Wesley woke and dressed for his morning walk. His daily routine since purchasing his home in the country. The smell of the grass, the flowers, the rain fresh countryside invigorated him and prepared him for his day.
Today, he chose not to follow his usual path, but rather to explore the field on the far side of his property. One of the reasons he purchased the land. The further he walked into his field, he passed several small flowers and plants that he did not recognize.
Was that a signpost? In the center of his field? What in the world? A scarecrow he could understand, but a signpost? He needed to get a closer look. As he approached, he heard, “Choose wisely.”
Wesley spun around looking to see where the voice came from but saw nothing. “I must be imagining it.” He shook his head. As he neared the sign, again he heard, “Choose wisely. Your choice cannot be changed.”
He looked around, but still saw no one. “This is absurd.” The signpost had four direction arrows on it, and scratched into each, success, happiness, wealth, and unknown.
The same deep voice spoke again. “Choose your path wisely, you cannot turn back. The path you choose will determine your fate.”
Wesley froze. What choice did he have? Whatever way he moved; he would make a choice. He’d heard the folklore surrounding the sign of life, but never thought it was real. And he wasn’t sure that it truly was. Even as he heard the voice speaking to him.
Wesley just stood there. Staring at the post.
“Choose now.”
Wesley couldn’t move. Success. Happiness. Wealth. Unknown.
The skies darkened and lightening flashed. Black clouds rolled in above him and the poured down. The voice roared. “Choose or suffer the consequences.”
Wesley stared at the post. Lightning flashed again and thunder boomed, shaking the ground. He spun to his left choosing the path of the unknown.

This story is prompted by Sue Vincent’s Daily Echo Thursday photo prompt: #writephoto.
Stop over and give it a try. You might be surprised at what you can compose.
Leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you.
I want this to be a novel. I’d have chosen happiness, but I tend to play things safe. What did Wesley get himself into?
Thanks, Staci. Honestly, I’m torn myself, between happiness and the unknown. Happiness may not be what we think. And who knows who or what actually defines happiness. I could see this as a novel.
This is great!
Thanks, Sneha. Sue does post some thought provoking pictures.
True. This is my take on one of her prompts. Do let me know how you found it…
This is my take on one of her prompts. Do let me know how you found it….
Sneha, this is my genre for sure. Check your post. I left my comment there.
Sure I will
I’m not sure what I would choose, but it would be between happiness and the unknown. This definitely give us something to think about.
Geez. They didn’t even give him time to google the answer.
You know those other worldly beings…
Love this one, Michele… and I would have made the same choice as Wesley.
Thanks, Sue. This is a tough decision. Happiness could be a good choice as well, but it would depend on whose definition of happiness. The unknown could be anything.
Happiness is lovely, but transient in normal life. Without the contrasts, would we even appreicate happiness when it comes? And, you don’t learn much from it… not without those contrasts. The unknown is always an adventure 🙂
Well said. And I agree, the unknown is definitely going to be an adventure.
It has been so far 😉
This is very cool, Michele. Is the Signpost of Life actual folklore or did you make that up? I’m highly intrigued. Like Staci, I would have chosen happiness. I think you have he great start of a novel or story here as well.
Thanks, Mae. The Signpost of Life is something that I made up. With a limited amount of choices, it’s interesting to note that happiness and the unknown are the two directions that have been chosen in this post. Success and wealth seem to have taken a back seat.
This could be an interesting story.
Loved it!
Thanks, Steve. I’m glad you loved it. Sue posts some thought provoking pictures.
She does. It was the picture that evoked the idea of the poem. That is the purpose of it all, of course!