One-Liner Wednesday

Good thing I wasn’t hoping to feed my family from my garden. Three months and this is my only harvest.

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This is not a prompt so there’s no need to stick to the same “theme.”
The rules that I’ve made for myself (but don’t always follow) for “One-Liner Wednesday” are:
- Make it one sentence.
- Try to make it either funny or inspirational.
- Use our unique tag #1LinerWeds.
- Add our lovely badge to your post for extra exposure!
- Have fun!
This story is prompted by Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday.

Stop over and give it a try. You might be surprised at what you can compose.
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Now that would be my harvest!
I usually do a little bit better. Last year I managed to get two dozen tomatoes.
Gracious that is a small little tomato [?], radish [?], nothing! 😉
It is supposed to be a beefstake tomato. It tasted good, but I was the only one that got to taste it.
LOL! I’d probably net the same results. Good one, Michele!
Thanks, Mae. We did have a good laugh.
I think the tag was mislabeled. Too funny, Michele. I’m curious how you split it between everyone in the family.
There was no splitting. I ate the whole thing. And boy, I was sooooo full afterward.
Beefsteak tomato? Looks more like a cherry tomato…
It wasn’t even cherry tomato size. I’ve seen blueberries that were larger.
Thanks for stopping by, John.
I have you beat by one tomato. 😛 Bet it was delicious, though.
LOL. It was quite tasty. All one bite of it.
You’ll need a sharp knife to split that baby up 🙂
Thanks for the laugh.
🙂 DH has been tenderly caring for a Desert King fig since spring. It has 3 figs growing and he decided one was ready yesterday so he brought it over to my mom’s house and carefully cut it in three for us to share (small plum sized). It tasted vaguely like sawdust, lol. Hopefully he just picked too early. He was so disappointed.
Poor DH. I hope the next one is better. They do say it takes a few years for a fig tree to really mature and provide good fruit.
I won’t tell him that 😊
The best fig falls from the tree naturally into the palm of your hand. He likely plucked it too early.
Thanks, Craig. Definitely good to know.
Thanks, Craig. We need to incorporate patience, lol