Hey everyone, I’m pleased to have Lisa Burton, Craig Boyack’s spokesperson and radio show host (Lisa Burton Radio). And if she weren’t busy enough, now she has a role in Craig’s latest novel, Viral Blues. So please, make her feel welcome.
Hi Lisa, glad to you could stop by.
Thanks for inviting me over, Michele, and it’s a pleasure to be here again. I’m touring around to promote Craig’s newest book, “Viral Blues.”
This one is a sequel to his best seller, “The Hat.” But it’s also a sequel for a bunch of his prior characters. I even got to be in it, but today I want to talk about Dr. Gina Greybill.
Gina debuted in a book called “The Playground.” She’s a cancer survivor who was working her way back into life. While dealing with her personal issues, she took a job in end-of-life care for an elderly gentleman.
What she didn’t know, was this man headed up a paranormal policing group, called The Host Program. Host, because he has a rare parasite that allows him to see across the veil into the other side. The parasite protects the host, and makes certain he lives a long life to allow itself time to reproduce. The end of this fellow’s life means he has to pass the parasite on to the next host.
A man named Mohan Gupta trained to be the next host, but got delayed by the bad guys in that book. In an act of desperation, the old man passed the parasite on to Gina.
Viral Blues doesn’t really come together without Gina. Her secret society monitors paranormal activity, portends, natural signs, and more. This is how she knows about me, Lizzie and the hat, and all the rest of us. She gathers the group to face something bigger than she’s capable of alone.
It’s kind of a neat book trick, because there is no logical way for this group to join up without Gina. The fact that her society monitors this kind of activity was already on the page back in her book. There’s no reason they wouldn’t monitor the good guys along with the bad guys, so the setup was a stroke of pure luck.
Gina’s research library, along with Gupta’s deeper knowledge were pretty helpful in sorting out the problem we all had to face. Gina played a pretty key role here, too.
I always bring a poster to share, and this one dates back to “The Playground.” When Gina became the new host, all the previous hosts from the spirit world gave her some magical gifts. One of them was this blunderbuss that does much more than it seems on the surface. So, the poster is me, hanging it above the fireplace out at the writing cabin.

Lisa, you sure have been busy. Thanks for stopping by. And friends, grab your copy of Viral Blues, you need to see Lisa and the others in action.

Someone knows about the hat. The creature from another dimension that helps Lizzie fight against the creatures of darkness.
They are summoned to a cryptic meeting with a secret society, where they meet other people with enhanced skills. It turns out someone, or something, has been tampering with the world’s vaccine supply. The goal doesn’t appear to be political or financial, but biblical pestilence.
Can this group of loners come together in time to make a difference when even the proper authorities are obstacles?
Check out Viral Blues, for your dose of paranormal adventure, with a strong sample of dark humor. And in recent superhero style, don’t miss the secret last chapter after the back material.
If you’d like to connect with Craig (or Lisa) use the links below:
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A great post, Craig and Michele. I have The Playground and Viral Blues on my TBR.
Thanks for picking them up. Hope they’re to your liking.
Thanks, Roberta.
Always a pleasure to see Lisa around the blogosphere. Viral Blues was a great read.
Thanks for saying so, Joan.
Lisa is one of my favorites. She always has something interesting to say.
Thanks for inviting Lisa over today. Gives her something to do while I’m at the paycheck job. Gina is an interesting character and the story doesn’t really work without her.
I’m happy to have Lisa. She is welcome anytime. I can imagine she would want something to do while you are at the day job.
After reading all your posts and seeing all your reviews, I’m going to have to bump Viral Blues up my list, lol. Well done, Craig, and best of luck! 🙂
Thanks, Harmony. You’ll have to let me know what you think about it.
Glad you stopped by, Harmony.
How very cool to see the spotlight on Gina in this post. She is indeed the force that pulls everyone together in Viral Blues.
I really loved this book. So fun to see Craig here today…well, er. Lisa, LOL!
I thought this one might appeal to the authors out there. I could have come up with something new, but Gina’s organization fit so well I had to use it.
I love how the characters came together as well. Always great to see crossover characters. As you know, some have more to tell.
I always enjoy Lisa’s take on things. Nice to see her here.
I love hat stories. This one was such a treat, since other favorites were in it. Wishing Craig much success with it.
Never say never, but this may have been the swan song for some of them. Lizzie and the hat can stand alone in their further adventures.
I love characters that crossover into other works.
Lisa and Lizzie together- this should be an adventure 🙂
I have Viral Blues on my TBR list, congrats, Craig!
They are, and they each get their scenes
Thanks, Jacquie. I love the characters in this book.