He’s the guy that’s always there for you. The one who helps when you need it. When you move, he brings his truck, he helps you pack.

If you’re having a bad day, he’s there with a smile and a joke, something witty or maybe something that makes you groan, but it always makes you laugh.

He supports you in whatever you do. He gets involved. He’s there to setup, work, and cleanup for any event. He’s a volunteer. A life member.

He comes to cookouts, birthdays, holidays. He’s your friend, part of your extended family.

Yesterday, we lost that friend to cancer. Something he’s been dealing with for quite some time. We knew the time would come, but nothing prepares you for the loss. We will celebrate his life with the rest of his friends, but our celebrations will always be one short.

Please, no comments, but I ask that you pray for our friend, who was everybody’s friend. Smile at a stranger. Make somebody’s day.