Category: Michele Jones

The Mountain

Mia watched another couple climb the mountain and join hands. Once joined, the sunset broke over the mountain and the sky turned a beautiful color. Their union was blessed, and they would live a long, happy, prosperous life. She longed for the day that she and Tom would be able to do the same. Day

Cusp Of Night Book Review

I just finished the first book in the Hode’s Hill Series by Mae Clair, Cusp Of Night. Ms. Clair weaves a tale between two eras flawlessly. Connecting the ghosts of the past with the present through Maya Sinclair and using the town’s Fiend Fest was genius. Our heroine Maya came to the town of Hode’s


50 Word Thursday #7 The rules: 1. Completed piece must be in multiples of 50 words – maximum of 250 words. Anything is acceptable – poetry, story, anecdote. 2. There will be a photo and a random phrase that I will take from the current book I am reading – you can use either or both. This

The Sign

Again. Another beating, more destruction. Allie dropped to the corner and covered her face with her arms. “Please don’t hit me. I’ll do better. I promise.” “You better have this place clean before I get back.” He left, slamming the door behind him sign falling to the floor. Worst sign ever. Tears flowed down her

The Chosen One

Audrick held up his sword and chanted aloud, “Qui Habitat in adiutorio altissimi, in protection Dei Caeli commorabitur. (Whoever dwells with the assistance of the Most High will abide in the protection of the God of heaven).” A tithe to the God he had worshiped since birth. He chanted for hours until the blade glowed


50 Word Thursday #6 The rules: 1. Completed piece must be in multiples of 50 words – maximum of 250 words. Anything is acceptable – poetry, story, anecdote. 2. There will be a photo and a random phrase that I will take from the current book I am reading – you can use either or both. This

Mother’s Garden

Carly loved walking though her mother’s garden. Especially the path that led to the tree in the middle. Once there, she sat and enjoyed the sights, sounds, smells, and peace the garden provided. As she grew and had a family of her own, her trips to her mother’s garden grew less frequent, until finally they

Vacation Day

Today is a vacation day. The husband and I decided to take the day off and have a little fun. We we hopped in the car and headed south. Who knows where we’ll end up?  But it beats the cold temperatures in Pennsylvania.  So, I’m not writing. But, I’m getting plenty of ideas.  Happy weekend

50 Word Thursday #5

The rules: 1. Completed piece must be in multiples of 50 words – maximum of 250 words. Anything is acceptable – poetry, story, anecdote. 2. There will be a photo and a random phrase that I will take from the current book I am reading – you can use either or both. This weeks phrase: Through April,

Tortured Soul Book Review

I just finished the final book in the Medici Protectorate Series by Staci Troilo, Tortured Soul. The world building in this series was spectacular. Troilo wove action packed scenes with bold character development for the heroes and the villains. As I progressed through the series, I felt more attached to the heroes and heroines, and