Category: Michele Jones


Dane stared at the tracks. Ahead could be anything, but he couldn’t go back, Zell had made that very clear. He had no choice if he wanted the money. And he did. He had to move forward. The path looked clear, but noise echoed from the tunnel ahead. Inside, the key to his freedom. If


Wesley woke and dressed for his morning walk. His daily routine since purchasing his home in the country. The smell of the grass, the flowers, the rain fresh countryside invigorated him and prepared him for his day. Today, he chose not to follow his usual path, but rather to explore the field on the far


50 Word Thursdays # 15 The rules Find the muse within the photo or line provided and follow where it leads. It can be a story, anecdote, poem. Anything! Story must be between 50 and 250 words, in 50 word increments. Link back to this post with the tag 50WordThurs so that everyone can find


One-Liner Wednesday You never know what you will see on a road trip. If you would like to participate in this prompt, feel free to use the “One-Liner Wednesday” title in your post, and if you do, you can ping back here to help your blog get more exposure. To execute a pingback, just copy


Petra walked the shore of Allanon many times but stopped and turned around before passing Ambercrest Cave. The legend surrounding the cave had everyone afraid. She had to know if the legend was true but didn’t want to go alone. She convinced Aydran to explore the cave with her. “Are you ready?” She asked. “I


50 Word Thursdays # 14 The rules Find the muse within the photo or line provided and follow where it leads. It can be a story, anecdote, poem. Anything! Story must be between 50 and 250 words, in 50 word increments. Link back to this post with the tag 50WordThurs so that everyone can find


One-Liner Wednesday Who’s ready? If you would like to participate in this prompt, feel free to use the “One-Liner Wednesday” title in your post, and if you do, you can ping back here to help your blog get more exposure. To execute a pingback, just copy the URL in the address bar on this post


Stock Photo Challenge Don Massenzio will post a new stock photo each week on Wednesday morning. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a story, poem or other type of prose of 100 words or less and post it on your blog. If you leave the link for your blog post


“Esmeralda Charlotte Gossling.” her mother yelled. Emme sprang up from her bed breathing hard and fast. She slumped back and whispered, it was only a dream. After completing her morning routine, she ran down the steps and grabbed a granola bar. “See you later.” She grabbed her backpack and started out the door. “Esmeralda don’t


50 Word Thursdays # 13 The rules Find the muse within the photo or line provided and follow where it leads. It can be a story, anecdote, poem. Anything! Story must be between 50 and 250 words, in 50 word increments. Link back to this post with the tag 50WordThurs so that everyone can find